
Load File

Directly load data from text file from File > Open File or by pressing Ctrl+O. Now, chose appropriate columns for axes from the colum selector to plot the data. For 3D data select the required X/Y value from the provided slider or scrolling inside the plot and the plot will done for other two axes. If you want to add multiple data set from other files, you can load them through File > Add File. You can use the recent files menu to quickly load any of the last recent 10 files.

Save Data

Save the data in a file from File > Save or by pressing Ctrl+S. Once the data is saved, any consecutive Save command will save the data in the same file. To save in a different click on File > Save as. You can set what columns to save and their format from File > Save Preference.

3D Viewer

For easy editing of 3D data files, the plot is made as 2D projection for a particular X/Y value. To view the complete 3D plot open the 3D viewer window through the Window > 3D Plot Viewer. The viewer updates in real time as you make changes to the data in the main window.

Edit data

This software features different data editing options, available to use through keyboard shortcuts and also through the right click context menu when some points are selected.

Move with mouse or keyboard

Move any selected data points just dragging it with mouse. By default data points is movable only in vertical direction (i.e. y-axis). Check the Edit > Points movable horizontally to move them in x-axis too. To drag multiple data points simultaneously select few data points and drag any of them. Also keyboard navigation keys can also be used to move selected data points.

Smooth out data

Select data points that you want to smooth and press D or M or E to replace the data points with a smoothing spline approximation or moving average or by quadratic regression respectively. You can also delete bad data points or set desired value through the right click menu.

Auto smoothing

In addition to, manual selection to smooth the data, one can use the Auto Smoother feature of the software to smooth out the complete data altogether. Open Edit > Auto Smoother and choose a desired smoothing scale to get a smoothing approximation to the original data. Click Apply to save the data.

Auto corrector

The Auto corrector feature identifies bad data points and try to correct them. Unlike the Auto smoothing feature, it only modifies the data points it thinks are bad. Open Edit > Auto Corrector, choose the desired threshold values to define what points are wrong points to get a corrected approximation to the original data. Click Apply to save the data.

Smoothing multiple datasets simultaneously

Data from multiple files or different column from a same file can be opened for editing, though at any moment a single dataset can be edited. Editing between different data set can be toggled through the Plot Dashboard or by pressing Ctrl+TAB.

Interpolate data

Use interpolation to fill missing grid values or make the grid denser or vice-versa through Edit > Fill Values.

Extend Data

Extend your dataset by repeating or mirroring using Edit > Extend Data. This can be applied globally,

or locally

Data fitting

(Only) 2D data set can be fitted through the following two types of fitting.

Polynomial regressing fitting

Use Fitting > Polynomial Regression fitting

Levenberg-Marquardt fitting

Use Fitting > Levenberg-Marquardt fitting.

Swap data

To swap data values between two data sets open swapper mode by View > Toggle Swapper. Select the data points and press P to swap value.

UnDo ReDo

You can undo or redo last 10 changes by pressing Ctrl+Z or Shift+Ctrl+Z.

Plot settings

To make any changes to the plot option/style like marker/line styles, font styles, open the setting window View > Open Plot Settings.

Export as image

Save your plot in different format and resolution. Use File > Export as image or click on the camera icon () on the plot corner.

Work with spreadsheet

Open a spreadsheet containing the current data set through Window > Spreadsheet. You can directly make changes to the data set.

Work with the 3D Plotter

A 3D plotter is also provided to quickly plot 3D data sets.

Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Open file.
  2. Add new file.
  3. Save file.
  4. Save As.
  5. Reload the window.
  6. Close the application.
  7. Open plot setting window.
  8. Toggle plot list dashboard.
  9. Toggle fullscreen.
  10. Switch between plots.
  11. Toggle axis of projection for 3D data.
  12. Auto-scale axes.
  13. Zoom mode.
  14. Selection mode.
  15. Move up selected points.
  16. Move down selected points.
  17. Smooth Out using Spline Interpolation.
  18. Smooth Out using Moving Average method.
  19. Smooth Out using a local Quadratic function.
  20. Change Sign.
  21. Remove selected data.
  22. Undo.
  23. Redo.
  24. Move slider up.
  25. Move slider down.
  26. Swap data between the selected lines.
  27. Quickly apply corrected approximation.
  28. Select intermediate points.
  29. Copy values from current 2D projection.
  30. Paste copied values.
  31. Repeat selected points to left or right.
  32. Mirror selected points to left or right.